Saturday, March 29, 2014

Poem : Day Dreams at Night

Those nights when you don’t sleep a wink,
Even though you have been beyond the brink,
I look outside the window sill,
I try to look beyond the river, and hill,
I look at the vehicles that pass me by,
And the stars that fill the sky.

I think of the glorious days gone by,
Reliving moments without a sigh,
Memories are a bank of hope
One walks along a slippery slope,
From morn to night to morn I toil,
My dreams on a simmering boil,

Too few hours of sleep,
Too many promises to keep,
There is so much to achieve,
There is no time left to grieve,
No time for thoughts to meander,
Just face the world with grit and candor

One must discover one’s own path,
One must face head on the whole worlds wrath,
For when one’s dream is yet to unfold
One’s endeavors get just a tad more bold
And ones hopes and expectations - manifold

In such a state of mind,
hope one must find,
even In the depths of despair,
there is nothing genuine laughter cannot repair
With all baggages left behind,
One is ready to face the grind,

I will go the extra mile,
With tears withheld and a welcoming smile,
Radiate the feeling that everything is fine,
cause all those hopes, dreams and aspirations are mine,

As the night turns to dawn,
I will fight my fears and worries till they are all gone,
Resist the many temptations that be,
For there is so much yet to see,

Now that the sun has started to rise,
I must get back and be worldly wise,
Only then can I fulfill my vision,
Utilizing each day with precision,
For now I have my goals in sight,
Thanks to these Day Dreams at Night,

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